Bridewealth and dowry have certain obvious similarities in that they both involve the transmission of property at marriage, the usual interpretation suggesting that what distinguishes them is the direction in which the property travels - in the case of bridewealth, from the husband and his kin to the wife and her kin, and in the case of dowry, vice versa. Since the families would usually belong to different clans and communities, bridewealth contributed to forming relationships between them. There is a growing trend among African communities where wedding ceremonies and marriage processes are blending traditional customs with modern practices. [10] The results also show that 87% of students believe love is the most important factor of marriage, despite that in traditional Ghanaian culture, marriage and love share a relatively loose connection. This point was also stressed by Waruta (2005, p. 107). If the researcher was to draw some conclusions based on his research findings, literature and class notes review (being aware of the danger of generalization), he would say that. Once given to the father of the bride through his spokesperson, he could use it in a variety of ways, one of them being to pay for the bridewealth of his sons. One responded said that “the more girls you have, the more wealth you will have in terms of cattle and goats” (cf. 122-127, Sakubu, 2003, p. 12). 26.02.09. Such a rather modern development points out to the fact that traditionally the payment of bridewealth was an effective means of avoiding a lot of problems in relationships. Also bridewealth was seen as a necessary condition of marriage without which one would be cursed (cf. App.#, no. Prof Achola mentioned that once the parents of the boy went to visit the parents of the girl, there was a process of negotiation. Another respondent said that “it was a token of thanksgiving. Bridewealth was a tangible expression of one’s understanding of various expenses involved in the process of raising a girl. d. Dandora. Distribution of bridewealth among various members of the family of the bride pointed to its communitarian dimension. Examples of this include the exchange of marital vows and modern wedding attire being worn by the bride and groom. 5). The family is typically involved within this process. However, a failure to pay at least some significant and agreed upon part of it meant that no matter how long the couple stayed together, their union was not recognized as a marriage (Kam, 2004, p. 7). 2013). Those animals serve as a proof that the marriage was contracted and a means of increasing the wealth of the family of the bride. 24.02.09, Tangaza. If there is no bridewealth, they (the couple) can run away, stay together, have children but it is not recognized as a marriage. Bridewealth was given because it opens the door to two families to know each other. 19.03.09, Otiende. Bridewealth was given in terms of livestock and money. [5] The wedding will consist of more modern marital customs relevant to the religion of the participants families. They are taught from a young age that marriage is about responsibility and providing to their society by having children. We argue that the payment of bridewealth from a man‟s to a woman‟s family triggers reciprocal obligations on the part of the woman. The study also revealed that 73% of young people surveyed believe that polygamy is an outdated process. As a recommendation, the researcher would suggest to make a further inquiry into the modern practice of bridewealth in order to find new ways of fulfilling that still relevant cultural obligation. The payment, which may include money, property, animals and commodities, can often equal a year or more of income. Polyandry (multiple husbands) is very rare in Africa – e.g., Lele. Traditional customs relevant to the specific community are performed during this engagement ceremony, while the more modern marital customs will be performed at the religious wedding ceremony. The process of negotiating and paying bridewealth had a lot of impact on the community. The parents of the groom would also actively participate in the process of bridewealth. Importance Of Bride Wealth In Bridewealth. App.#, no. Solanke, S., Ayodabo, S. (2017). Inability to pay bridewealth was the main reason of such a situation. 3, 4). The Survey of African Marriage and Family Life. One person described it as follows: “It is never finished. Some referred to the poor economic situation affecting the practice. Some young people could not marry, either traditionally or in the Church, because they would not be able to raise it. One could rely on others to support him. In his case, paying bridewealth was an obstacle but it was ‘a must’. All of them were adults between 27-54 years old. Though much research on bridewealth in sub-Saharan Africa has focused on the negative consequences for women, some studies have At the same time, his father is to give one cow as a contribution to bridewealth. Others would even leave the responsibility to pay it in the hands of the groom. App.#, no. Whenever the husband went to visit the father of the wife, he was expected to bring something, usually cash, for the family” (cf. The man was 32 years old and his wife was 24. The significance of marriage forming the foundation of a community is made obsolete if the couple were no longer a part of this community. Hence, bridewealth was contributing to wives staying in some abusive relationships; If the parents cannot agree about bridewealth, the young may have to wait till the parents are dead to formalize their relationship. A 35 year old Luo lady who was married for 10 years was interviewed. Retrieved from, World Book, Inc.,. The respondents appreciated the value that was traditionally attached to bridewealth and also were aware of the alterations in its application in modern Nairobi. At the same time its abuse by those who do not understand its cultural relevance but use it as a means to get property causes serious problems for young people. The effort of parents was appreciated in a very concrete form; The practice of bridewealth pointed out to the importance of traditions in the life of the community. The payment of bridewealth also discouraged divorce because bridewealth was to be returned to the husband (Magesa, 1997, pp. The extended family is the most important unit of social organization. Marriage and kinship are also linked by customs governing the transfer of property between and within kin groups. Once it was given, it signified the permission of the parents of the girl to start living with the boy. The amount of bridewealth varied depending upon the wealth of the groom’s family, the education of the bride, upon the amount asked by the parents of the bride and the ability of those involved in the negotiations. It was a means of strengthening relationships, legalizing marriage and legalizing children. Otherwise they would not allow the wedding to be celebrated. Changing Attitudes of Students in West African Society toward Marriage and Family Relationships. It is common for the families to choose a colour to abide to in their dress code. All these adjustments in the practice that take into consideration new circumstances, indicate to the researcher, that bridewealth will continue to exert influence. A wide variety of cultural forms testifies to that richness. Kithinji asserted that “In Kenya today, dowry has almost been completely commercialized. Consent money (“ayie”) was given to the mother and other family members involved in the marriage negotiations. Both groups saw bridewealth and polygyny as instruments of male domination and sym-bols of women's inferior status. The families dress in traditional and often colourful attire. Families are of supreme importance in Africa, and the bridewealth payment cements this relationship. He claimed that the practice is on the way of extinction because of the economic issues making it difficult to collect it among many people. Young people living in towns, often were not aware of the cultural values and practices of their communities. If the father of the bride asks for bridewealth and he himself had not paid it, he would die. Although bridewealth remains widely practised in Southern Africa, few studies have examined the custom in a contemporary context. 06.02.09. At home the gift ‘replaces’ her reminding the family that she will leave or has left and yet she is not dead… The gift legalizes her value and the marriage contract. The symbolic value is essenti… In particular, we have little evidence of its con-sequences for women in contemporary Africa. 3). The diversity of traditional beliefs throughout the country leads to enormous diversity among African communities. Keeping in mind the small scope of this project, the researcher decided to use some elements of descriptive statistics in order to provide simple summaries of the findings. The reasons for marriage: to help each other, because God said so, that people should be two, to develop one another, for procreation, for companionship, to satisfy biological needs, it helps in daily life in distributing work. For young people bridewealth may be an obstacle in marrying because of its amount. Examples of traditional marriage customs within Africa can be seen when analyzing the Yoruba people of Nigeria. She defined bridewealth as ‘payment on the side of the man to the side of the lady to bring about relationship’. Bridewealth was given in terms of livestock and money. It brings shame” (cf. 11). Traditional African clothing is typically vibrant and colourful. Africa is going through a rapid state of change and development, both in an economic sense and a social sense. [10] A large majority of these students defended their answer by stating that everyone has a father while not everyone has an uncle. 4). 4 people were interviewed: One Kikuyu lady, one Luo lady. Those forms are expressed at various points in the life and an individual and the community as a whole. A 27 years old Luo lady was interviewed. Even my daughter would not accept to be married without bridewealth being paid”. App.#, no. Marriage and Bridewealth (Ilobolo) in Contemporary Zulu Society. It points out to a certain dichotonomy between the traditional understanding and the practice of bridewealth; The respondents believed that the practice of bridewealth would continue. Kam, P. (2004), “No bridewealth, no wife”, In Oyugi, E.(Ed). Culturally, the groom was always ‘bound’ by bridewealth – it was an ongoing process that meant, using the words of one respondent, “everlasting indebtedness” (cf. To most African populations, clothing is a significant and important part of the engagement ceremony and the religious marriage ceremony. The respondents pointed out that the practice of bridewealth was undergoing some changes. The interview was in Swahili. 3). One animal had to come from the father of the groom. People bypass the obligation of bridewealth by living together and not paying it. According to her, the practice should be perpetuated though it should be made less strict by providing more room for the groom to contribute bridewealth. Above, the importance of the marriage gift in relation to marriage has been emphasised. App.#, no. As a result, it could be argued that in some cases bridewealth indirectly contributes to the increase of sexual immorality and spread of HIV/AIDS. It was “a way of showing respect towards the parents of the girl because an individual was paying for the expenses the parents had concerning their daughter” (cf. Two respondents mentioned that “the father of the groom was supposed to provide at least one cow for bridewealth of his son. Inability to pay bridewealth among some young people was a main factor to elope and to live together in unions that were not traditionally recognized as marriages. Some pointed out to the fact that Christianity is a factor influencing the practice. Such an approach is seen as a way of avoiding commitment and contributes to the phenomenon of ‘come-and-stay’. These days, people still use cows and goats but also money. These days money seems to be used a lot more. However, these days, in some cases, bridewealth is a means of distorting those relationships; It is worth mentioning that those who stressed that the practice of bridewealth would continue did not base their argument on its many advantages, but invariably rooted it in the fact that it was a tradition to be followed and as such it should and would not be changed. Prof Achola provided the class with three main reasons of the use of livestock in payment of bridewealth. Prof Achola stressed that bridewealth was not usually paid in full because the family of the girl could go to ask for assistance to the family of the boy. [10] The study revealed that men were more likely to want a traditional marriage than women. Bridewealth brought involved families together and created friendships between them. She defined bridewealth as a “traditional thing, a token of thanksgiving for raising her up, and educating the girl, a way of saying thank you”. African Studies Review, 57, pp 51-72 doi:10.1017/asr.2014.47. Elsewhere, Mbiti talked about bridewealth in terms of exchanging gifts which are asked by the parents of the girl from those of the boy (1975, p. 107). The main limitation, according to the researcher, was the limited number of the respondents interviewed. Although many studies describe the particulars of the bridewealth transaction and emphasize its importance, there is little causal evidence of its effects. The amount to be paid is fixed in some community while in others it isn’t and may vary sparingly depending on individual families. Cohabitation and elopement would be means used to bypass the obligation of bridewealth (Bikorwomuhangi, 2005, p. 4). There is no upper limit, it depends upon your generosity” (cf. What is bridewealth Marriage was an important rite of passage in Africa (Waruta, 2005, p. 103, Bikorwomuhangi, 2005, p. 1). 27.02.09, Dandora. They are often encouraged against marrying for love or sexual attraction. Dandora. [9] Marriage to this ethnic group is seen to be the foundation of their society rather than a bond between two people expressing love for one another. Contemporary Marriage Processes in Nigeria: Willing Love, Perilous Business, Post-Marriage Problems. This article investigates links between ilobolo (bridewealth) practices and marriage outcomes in contemporary Zulu society. Nonetheless, all the respondents also acknowledged that the practice of bridewealth was often abused, was undergoing significant changes and young people were finding their ways to bypass it. Bridewealth (“nyombo” in Luo) was defined by her as“a token given to the parents of the wife as a sign of respect, a sign of reward for bringing up the girl”. Population of Africa). Prof Achola stressed that marriage was a means of achieving companionship, to get wealth, to have children, to be immortalized as ancestors and to fulfill God’s will. However, if they saw it in terms of acquiring wealth, a high amount, difficult to pay, could be quoted by them (cf. Bridewealth exists in societies where manual labor is more important than capital. Some respondents were referred to above mentioned changes taking place in the modern society as reasons for the tradition being challenged. The wedding is an exceptionally respected tradition within Africa due to their deeply rooted appreciation for the notion of family. Generalizations based on such a number may not reflect the beliefs of the Luo community as such. That close relationship was mentioned by one person who said that the word “nyombo” is used for both bridewealth and marriage (cf. Abwanda confirmed that point stressing that “according to Luo customary law, bridewealth is what really seals a marriage contract and without it there is no marriage in the Luo custom (2004, p. 9). On the other hand, one person added that “some denominations try to do away with bridewealth believing that bridewealth was causing drift in families”. [10] This form of relationship emphasizes the importance of marriage towards social stability and minimizes the significance of the bond between the husband and wife. It is of traditional belief that the child does not know when he is ready to marry, therefore the parents will make the decision for them. It was given because the parents of the girls have raised their daughter up. He defined it as a ‘token given to the parents of the girl for migrating from her family to start another one’. On the part of the groom (“or”) the following could participate in it: elders from the family, the father, uncles and friends. Shorter referred to bridewealth in terms of indemnity and compensation to the bride’s family for bringing her up and losing a productive and reproductive member of the family (1998, p. 90). The choice of methodology was dictated by the purpose of the research. In that regard, one could conclude that paying bridewealth could be seen also a sacred duty. Sukubu, G. (2003), “Changes in role of bridewealth”, In Achola, P (Ed), Waruta, D.W. (2005), “Marriage and family in contemporary African society: challenges in pastoral counseling”. Chosen members of both families would be involved in bridewealth negotiations. 10). To remove it would be a sign of irresponsibility – ability to raise bridewealth was a practical expression of the groom’s ability to provide for his family” (cf. 4). It was confirming the importance of man as usually the most important person in dealing with important family matters; It was a practical way of appreciating the effort of the parents put into upbringing of their daughter. If the groom himself cannot afford to pay bridewealth, his parents, family and friends would contribute. However, even if money is given, at least one cow is to be given. A 49 year old Taita man was interviewed concerning bridewealth. She defined bridewealth as something “like a present for the parents of the girl”. App.#, no. In the pre-colonial period, and in most parts of Southern Africa throughout the nineteenth and well into the twentieth century, marriage, the family and the homestead were embedded in economic, political and religious institutions. Africa has a population of over 1.2 billion people spread throughout 52 countries. The father of the groom is supposed to help his son in giving him at least one cow. In many cases those changes affected adversely traditional African values, including marriage, because the traditional structures were weakened and did not longer have the strength as they did in the past (Kisembo, 1998, p. 209). One of the respondents said that in some areas there was one word used for both bridewealth and marriage -“nyombo” (cf. The researcher wants to focus on the role that bridewealth plays among selected members of Luo community, who are married or cohabiting together in the area of Nairobi. The researcher found that the understanding of bridewealth among the Luo residents of Nairobi was similar to the one found in books. It legalized the status of the wife, as well as of children and their rights. She defined bridewealth as a “traditional thing, a token of thanksgiving for raising up, and educating the girl, a way of saying thank you”. 8). App.#, no. Defining it, exploring people involved in it, seeing its advantages and disadvantages and the challenges it faces in the modern society, was a very fruitful endeavor. Even though money is a preferred way of paying it, some animals have to be provided as a part of the bridewealth. 7); Bridewealth was a means of binding individuals and communities/ethnic groups together. There was a very close connection between bridewealth and marriage. Among them there were 8 women and 5 men. One person said that “ni lazima kupeleka mahari kwenye nyumba ya wazazi, hapo wanapoishi” (It is necessary to send bridewealth to the place where the parents live) (cf. Pistrang, N. Elliott, R. ( 2002 ) type of marriage upper limit, it is difficult! A woman 's parents: Select one: a Kisii couple and the children of seriousness... They would not accept to be at marriage ” ( cf of one ’ commitment. It also has ‘ eternal ’ consequences based on African beliefs in afterlife for love or attraction! Was to be at marriage ” ( Waruta, 2005, p. 4 ) claimed “. Could provide bridewealth but poverty or some other circumstances prevented or a of! Being challenged ceremonies whilst intertwining traditional African dress with modernized religious weddings uncle to pay.! Luo men were interviewed: one Kikuyu lady, one Luo lady was interviewed payment is typically involved within process. 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