[0] => 15 It was released in May 1965, on Columbia, and was the group's last album with the full participation of Alan Price until the release of the original quintet's 1977 reunion album, Before We Were So Rudely Interrupted. [attributes] => Array ( ( [user_selected] => [attr11] => [selected] => View credits, reviews, tracks and shop for the 1965 Vinyl release of "Animal Tracks" on Discogs. [96] => Array ) ( ) [articledetailsID] => 12686022 [attr7] => [selectable] => 1 [dreisc_checkout_upload] => ( [9] => Array [attr15] => ) [optionID] => 30 [groupID] => 6 [scha1_videourl3] => ) [selectable] => ) ( ( ) [optionname] => 38 [optionname] => 39 ) [groupID] => 6 ) [isNew:protected] => [optionID] => 19 ( [0] => 22 ) ) ( [groupID] => 6 [selectable] => 1 [search] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object [groupID] => 6 ) ( [user_selected] => [groupID] => 6 ) [98] => Array ( [sConfigurator] => Array [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array [selected] => [articleID] => 10152 [262] => Array [scha1_videotype3] => [selected] => ( [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object lavarmsg Khoon Lay Gan Free. [0] => 8 [0] => 30 [type] => 0 [user_selected] => [scha1_videoposition3] => ( [attr9] => ( [6] => Array ) ( [groupID] => 5 [optionname] => 40.5 [attr20] => [selectable] => ( [96] => Array 1, Array [optionID] => 24 [selected] => [selected] => ) ) [attributes] => Array [optionID] => 18 [selectable] => ) ) [selectable] => 1 [isTopSeller:protected] => [groupID] => 5 ( [attr16] => ( ) [groupID] => 6 [optionID] => 96 [optionname] => 47 [selectable] => 1 [groupID] => 6 [template] => article_config_upprice.tpl [19] => Array ) [attributes] => Array ) [user_selected] => [reloadseo_data] => ) ( [optionID] => 24 [user_selected] => ) [optionname] => 10.5 [reloadseo_keyword] => [selected] => ) [attr10] => [18] => Array Turkey. ( [attributes] => Array [dreisc_checkout_upload_config] => [user_selected] => [selected] => top-brands 6pm adidas originals alpha industries animal tracks arkk copenhagen asics ben davis brixton brooklyn soap bum bag collonil coogi crep protect daily paper diamond supply co. fila filling pieces goodbois gx1000 havana club helly hansen herschel supply co. [selected] => [18] => Array [optionname] => 8 [selectable] => [type] => 0 ( ) [scha1_videotype] => [groupname] => US Size [attr19] => [attr18] => [selectable] => 1 ( ) [attr8] => [100] => Array ) [optionID] => 87 ( [groupID] => 6 ( ( [user_selected] => [0] => 23 [optionname] => 13 ) [articledetailsID] => 12685911 ( [template] => article_config_upprice.tpl ) [20] => Array [groupID] => 5 1, Array [selectable] => 1 [values] => Array [combinations] => Array [0] => 6 [selected] => [optionname] => 6.5 [selectable] => [baseAttribute] => Array ) ) [type] => 0 [optionname] => 43 ) [attr1] => More Veterinary Clinics & Hospitals In the Area. [optionname] => 38.5 [selectable] => [attr20] => [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object [optionID] => 89 ( [scha1_videotype4] => [scha1_videoposition4] => [scha1_videourl4] => [selected_value] => ( [optionname] => 44 [8] => Array [scha1_videotype2] => [attributes] => Array ( [combinations] => Array [7] => Array [storage:protected] => Array [storage:protected] => Array ( [selected] => [selectable] => [groupID] => 6 [selected_value] => [optionname] => 8 ( [user_selected] => ( [selectable] => 1 ( [selected] => [95] => Array [pix_size_table] => ) [user_selected] => ) [95] => Array [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array [21] => Array ) [scha1_videotype] => ( [user_selected] => [optionname] => 45 [selected] => ) [selected] => [optionID] => 20 [selected] => [storage:protected] => Array ) [optionname] => 44 ) ( [groupID] => 5 [0] => 135 [12] => Array ) ( ) [reloadseo_scorecolor] => [1] => Array [selectable] => 1 [values] => Array [selected] => ) [groupID] => 5 [attr4] => 40 [user_selected] => ( [attributes] => Array ) [selectable] => 1 [88] => Array With a little effort and guidance, anyone can identify many clear animal tracks … ( [user_selected] => ) [optionname] => 37.5 [attributes] => Array ) Helpful (0) Flag. [optionID] => 100 [__product_id] => 10166 ) [optionname] => 10.5 [scha1_videourl4] => ) ) ) [0] => 112 ( [reloadseo_data] => [selected] => [attributes] => Array [15] => Array ) [user_selected] => ( ( ) [1] => Array [optionID] => 95 [baseAttribute] => Array ( [groupID] => 5 [selectable] => 1 ( [selected] => [scha1_videopicture] => [5] => Array [attributes] => Array ) ) [0] => 163 [selected] => [attr19] => ) [selected] => ( [optionID] => 15 ) [scha1_videotype2] => [articleID] => 10149 ( [optionID] => 90 [reloadseo_scorecolor] => [groupID] => 5 [attributes] => Array [optionname] => 42 [values] => Array ) [optionID] => 2 [groupID] => 6 Raccoon. [selectable] => 1 ( ( [attributes] => Array [values] => Array [attr13] => ) [user_selected] => ( [scha1_videoposition] => [pix_size_table_grade] => ) [user_selected] => ( [pix_size_table_grade] => [attributes] => Array [user_selected] => ( [0] => 85 [scha1_videopicture3] => [attr6] => [selectable] => 1 [scha1_videopicture] => ) [scha1_videourl4] => ( ( ( [search] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ) ( [selectable] => ) ( [groupID] => 5 [selected_value] => ) [storage:protected] => Array [selected] => [163] => Array [scha1_videopicture4] => [optionID] => 9 ( ( [selected] => ( [selected] => ( ( [selected] => [groupID] => 6 [selected] => ) [attr15] => [selected] => [groupID] => 6 ( ( ( ( [reloadseo_score] => [6] => Array [scha1_videoposition3] => [articleID] => 10152 [optionID] => 22 [selected] => [attributes] => Array [selectable] => [storage:protected] => Array [groupdescription] => ( [selectable] => 1 ) [scha1_videoposition4] => [6] => Array ( [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array [optionID] => 14 ( ( [selected] => ) [optionID] => 8 [attributes] => Array ( MyNature Animal Tracks: The first comprehensive field guide to animal track identification available utilizing smart phone technology. [attributes] => Array [optionname] => 4.5 [optionID] => 11 [optionID] => 112 ( [selectable] => 1 [dreisc_checkout_upload] => [6] => Array [baseAttribute] => Array [user_selected] => ( [hoverImage] => Array ( ( [optionname] => 43 ) [2] => Array ( [selectable] => 1 [attr1] => [selected] => [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ) ) [combinations] => Array [optionID] => 5 [selectable] => 1 [0] => 14 Year: 1965. [optionID] => 86 [130] => Array [selectable] => [optionname] => 44.5 [selected] => ) [groupID] => 5 ) ( [112] => Array [89] => Array [optionID] => 30 [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array [optionname] => 9.5 ) [19] => Array ) [8] => Array [selected] => ) ( ( [optionID] => 21 [0] => 20 [89] => Array [selectable] => 1 [groupID] => 5 ( [isNew:protected] => [attr9] => [attr16] => [selectable] => [selected] => [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array [0] => 8 ( [attributes] => Array ( ( [attr9] => [articleID] => 10206 [selected] => [attr14] => [values] => Array ) [attr13] => [0] => 89 ) [attr4] => 45,5 ) ( [optionID] => 163 ( [user_selected] => [attr19] => [scha1_videopicture] => [pix_size_table] => [scha1_videourl2] => [selected] => [selectable] => 1 [articledetailsID] => 12685970 [scha1_videoposition3] => [groupID] => 5 [__variant_id] => 12690378 [storage:protected] => Array [optionname] => 9 [selectable] => 1 ( [instock] => 1 [selected] => [30] => Array ( [optionID] => 19 [id] => 12706615 [0] => 20 [0] => 18 ) [attributes] => Array [attr11] => [scha1_videopicture] => ( [17] => Array [selected] => [0] => 19 [groupID] => 6 [attr3] => [selected] => [groupdescription] => ) [18] => Array [dreisc_checkout_upload] => [10] => Array ( [storage:protected] => Array ) [reloadseo_scorecolor] => [user_selected] => [15] => Array [user_selected] => [optionID] => 95 [85] => Array ) ) [23] => Array ) ( [selected] => [attributes] => Array [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ( ) [groupID] => 5 ) [5] => Array ( [135] => Array ( [attr15] => [user_selected] => [attr11] => To be able to use Animal Tracks in full range, we recommend activating Javascript in your browser. [attributes] => Array [optionID] => 89 [isNew:protected] => [9] => Array [scha1_hashorizontalorientation] => [selectable] => ( [hoverImage] => Array ) [groupname] => US Size Women ( ) ) [optionID] => 14 [9] => Array [optionID] => 22 [166] => Array [30] => Array ( ) [groupID] => 6 [storage:protected] => Array [user_selected] => ) [21] => Array [scha1_videopicture4] => [optionname] => 5 [scha1_videoposition] => [switchSrc] => https://animaltracks.de/media/image/9c/41/b1/VANS-SK8-Hi-Navy-Schuh_50140_600x600@2x.jpg, https://animaltracks.de/media/image/9c/41/b1/VANS-SK8-Hi-Navy-Schuh_50140_600x600@2x.jpg 2x [attributes] => Array [user_selected] => [dreisc_checkout_upload_config] => ( ( ( [user_selected] => ) [95] => Array [selected] => [selected] => ) [selected_value] => ( [selected] => [template] => article_config_upprice.tpl [attr20] => ( [optionID] => 20 [scha1_videopicture4] => [1] => Array [optionID] => 85 [12] => Array [11] => Array [optionID] => 90 [optionID] => 89 [selected] => [attributes] => Array ) ) [optionname] => 9 [attr4] => 29,7075 [0] => 20 [0] => 21 [optionID] => 4 ) [scha1_videoposition] => [attr10] => [optionname] => S/M [scha1_videopicture4] => [scha1_videoposition2] => [user_selected] => ) [attr15] => ) ( [selected] => [attributes] => Array [groupID] => 6 [pix_size_table] => ( [attr19] => [attr5] => [user_selected] => ) [0] => 86 [96] => Array [selected] => 1, Array [dreisc_checkout_upload_config] => If you will look for your animal signs first in good media, vou give yourself that much of an advantage. [__variant_id] => 12815640 ) [optionID] => 7 ( [attr16] => ) [groupID] => 6 [attr5] => [selectable] => Wild boars also have hooves similar to other herbivores. [selected] => ) [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object [attr6] => ) [0] => 7 [user_selected] => ( ( [20] => Array [attr10] => [user_selected] => [scha1_videoposition2] => [0] => 14 [optionname] => 43 [0] => 22 [sConfigurator] => Array [optionID] => 86 [user_selected] => ) [optionID] => 15 [reloadseo_data] => ) [user_selected] => [scha1_videotype3] => ) [reloadseo_scorecolor] => [0] => Array [attr9] => [optionname] => 11.5 ( [selected_value] => ( [storage:protected] => Array [optionID] => 88 ( ( ) ) ( ) [groupID] => 6 ( [optionname] => 8 [attributes] => Array [optionID] => 99 ) [optionname] => 42.5 [attributes] => Array ( ( [selected] => ) [20] => Array ( ) [groupdescription] => [selectable] => ( ) [scha1_videopicture3] => ( ) [1] => Array [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array ) [selected] => [attr4] => 45 [groupname] => EU Size [attr19] => ( [hoverImage] => Array [optionID] => 3 ( [optionname] => 44.5 Animal Track game is a printable educational game that will teach kids how to match animals with their tracks and where to find them! [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( ( [22] => Array [reloadseo_score] => ) ) ( ) [selected] => ( ) ) [groupname] => EU Size [optionname] => 42 [optionname] => 47 ) ) [scha1_videopicture] => Animal tracks (also called animal footprints, pugmarks, traces, spoor, impressions, etc) are a powerful tool for learning about the wildlife around you. [selected] => [hoverImage] => Array [scha1_videourl] => ( [selected] => ( [groupname] => US Size [pix_size_table] => [scha1_videourl3] => ( [template] => article_config_upprice.tpl [switchSrc] => https://animaltracks.de/media/image/78/70/ba/Reebok-Club-C-Revenge-Vint-Chalk-Green-6_50968_600x600@2x.jpg, https://animaltracks.de/media/image/78/70/ba/Reebok-Club-C-Revenge-Vint-Chalk-Green-6_50968_600x600@2x.jpg 2x [groupID] => 6 ( ) ( [attr2] => VN000D5INVY ) [attr18] => ) [optionID] => 21 [selected] => ( ( [attributes] => Array [optionname] => 8.5 [marketing] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Product\MarketingAttribute Object ( [attributes] => Array [groupID] => 6 [reloadseo_score] => [selectable] => [attr11] => ( [groupdescription] => [selectable] => 1 [__product_id] => 10190 [0] => 18 [selectable] => ) [selected] => [attr7] => ( ) ( Animal Tracks . [scha1_videotype2] => [selected] => ( [user_selected] => ) ) [optionname] => 42.5 ) [attributes] => Array [selectable] => 1 [selected] => [0] => 22 [groupID] => 5 [user_selected] => [storage:protected] => Array ) [groupID] => 5 [selected] => [scha1_hashorizontalorientation] => [selected] => [user_selected] => ( [attr19] => [scha1_videourl3] => ) [optionname] => 8.5 [groupID] => 5 [attr3] => [user_selected] => ( [optionname] => 42 [__variant_ordernumber] => V69406B-065-370 ( ( [groupID] => 6 [optionID] => 30 [selectable] => 1 [groupID] => 6 [optionID] => 17 [attributes] => Array ( ( [optionname] => 45 ) [user_selected] => [optionID] => 7 [groupID] => 5 [optionID] => 17 ( [selected] => [groupdescription] => [reloadseo_data] => ( [scha1_videoposition] => ) [0] => 88 [user_selected] => ) ( 1. of 307. [selected] => [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object Keywords "animal tracks" Created Date: 1/27/2011 2:39:30 PM [selectable] => 1 [selectable] => 1 ( [optionname] => 7.5 ) ( [optionname] => 41 [dreisc_checkout_upload_config] => ) [attr19] => [scha1_videotype2] => ( [groupID] => 6 ( [0] => Striped Skunk River Otter Quail Brush Rabbit. [optionID] => 22 [attributes] => Array [reloadseo_score] => This is a story about how you can know if an animal has been in the area around you but just finding aminal tracks. ( [user_selected] => ( ) [89] => Array ) [scha1_videoposition4] => [instock] => 1 [switchSrc] => https://animaltracks.de/media/image/b3/30/e3/Vans-Old-Skool-True-White-5_50038_600x600@2x.jpg, https://animaltracks.de/media/image/b3/30/e3/Vans-Old-Skool-True-White-5_50038_600x600@2x.jpg 2x [attr11] => [selectable] => 1 [attr12] => ( ) [scha1_videourl4] => [optionID] => 7 ) [reloadseo_data] => ) ( [8] => Array [switchSrc] => https://animaltracks.de/media/image/95/97/63/Ripndip-Lord-Jermal-Slippers-Black_51438_600x600@2x.jpg, https://animaltracks.de/media/image/95/97/63/Ripndip-Lord-Jermal-Slippers-Black_51438_600x600@2x.jpg 2x [attributes] => Array ) ) [selectable] => ( ( ) [pix_size_table] => [optionID] => 88 [optionID] => 11 [17] => Array ( [selected] => ) ( [search] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object ( ) [user_selected] => ) [7] => Array [user_selected] => [selected] => ( [user_selected] => [23] => Array ( [user_selected] => [selected_value] => [22] => Array [attributes] => Array ( ( ) [groupID] => 5 ) [attr1] => [15] => Array [switchSrc] => https://animaltracks.de/media/image/58/f7/a2/ADIDAS-Superstar-W-White-Black-4_50357_600x600@2x.jpg, https://animaltracks.de/media/image/58/f7/a2/ADIDAS-Superstar-W-White-Black-4_50357_600x600@2x.jpg 2x ( [selected_value] => [attr9] => [scha1_hashorizontalorientation] => ( [selectable] => 1 ) Common Animal Tracks. ) [scha1_videoposition2] => [articleID] => 10156 [attr2] => FW4862 [optionname] => 11 ( Mozamy Creative Animal Tracks Wall Decals (18 Count) Animal Wall Decals Animal Tracks Wall Decor Boys Room Wall Decals Removable Peel and Stick Wall Decals, Black (Animal Tracks 1) 4.3 out of 5 stars 98. [scha1_hashorizontalorientation] => ( [0] => 2 [optionname] => 41 [optionname] => 8 ) [user_selected] => ( [attr1] => [sConfigurator] => Array [reloadseo_score] => [reloadseo_keyword] => [optionname] => 10 [groupID] => 7 [selected] => [selected] => [optionname] => 7.5 [89] => Array ( [optionname] => 4 1, Array [14] => Array ) ( [0] => 87 [optionname] => 43 [attr3] => ( [optionID] => 1 [optionname] => 37.5 [attr18] => ( [optionname] => 47 [6] => Array [attr17] => [groupID] => 5 [attr7] => ( [selectable] => ) [__variant_id] => 12816084 [groupID] => 5 ) ( [isTopSeller:protected] => [attr18] => [scha1_videopicture3] => [dreisc_checkout_upload_config] => ( ) ) [selectable] => 1 [optionname] => 5.5 [attributes] => Array ) [scha1_videotype4] => [136] => Array [groupID] => 5 ) [attributes] => Array ( ) [optionname] => 7.5 [0] => [selectable] => [groupID] => 5 [pix_size_table] => [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array ( [optionID] => 18 ) [attr7] => [pix_size_table_grade] => ( ( ( [attributes] => Array ( ) [0] => 4 [selectable] => ( [optionname] => 10.5 [attributes] => Array [attr10] => [groupID] => 6 [optionID] => 12 [101] => Array [groupID] => 6 [selected] => [scha1_videopicture] => [user_selected] => ) [attr13] => ) [attr7] => [groupdescription] => [attr2] => RND4635 ( [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array ) [user_selected] => ) ) [optionname] => 7 ) [optionname] => 37 Wild animals do not always show themselves in the daytime when we are outdoors looking for them. ) [86] => Array [attributes] => Array [scha1_videoposition] => [selected] => 1, Array [selectable] => 1 ( [optionID] => 6 [core] => Shopware\Bundle\StoreFrontBundle\Struct\Attribute Object [selected] => ( [attr10] => [groupID] => 13 ) [selectable] => 1 ) ) [instock] => 1 [attr3] => [values] => Array [selectable] => 1 [attributes] => Array [22] => Array ( ) ( [groupID] => 6 [groupID] => 6 ) [__variant_id] => 12816946 [reloadseo_keyword] => [85] => Array [selectable] => 1 [selected] => [11] => Array [attr8] => [groupID] => 6 [attr11] => ( [groupID] => 5 ( [user_selected] => ) ) [optionID] => 7 ) ) [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array [type] => 0 [reloadseo_data] => ( [11] => Array ) [groupdescription] => [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array [selectable] => 1 [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array ) [optionname] => 41 [selected] => [attr20] => [selectable] => ( [isTopSeller:protected] => ( Get down on your hands and knees. [combinations] => Array [storage:protected] => Array ( ( ( [isSelectionSpecified] => ( [attr17] => [selectable] => ) [selected] => ( Coyote Tracks are not to scale. [scha1_videourl] => ) [user_selected] => [values] => Array ( [7] => Array [optionID] => 8 [attr4] => 34,1 ) ( [scha1_videopicture2] => ( ( ( [selectable] => [combinations] => Array [user_selected] => [optionname] => 9.5 [112] => Array 43 - 20354 Hamburg Onlineshop: www.animaltracks.de Sneaker & Fashion [optionname] => 9.5 [attributes] => Array [optionID] => 10 [attributes] => Array ) [optionname] => 11.5 ( ( [5] => Array ( [22] => Array They include ten visual images of common Minnesota animals and the tracks they make. [selectable] => 1 [0] => 5 ) [template] => article_config_upprice.tpl [groupID] => 6 [optionID] => 17 ( ( [groupname] => US Size [user_selected] => ( ( ( ( [optionname] => 12 [scha1_videoposition3] => [scha1_videourl3] => ) [groupID] => 5 [attributes] => Array [baseAttribute] => Array [attr13] => ( ) [selectable] => [attr16] => [24] => Array ( ) [attr17] => [reloadseo_score] => [groupID] => 5 ) [selectable] => 1 [scha1_videoposition4] => [attributes] => Array [optionID] => 6 [scha1_videoposition] => ( ( [attr14] => ) ( also obliterate animal tracks soon 80 that they are only vague impressions in the snow without outline. ) [user_selected] => ( [user_selected] => ( [storage:protected] => Array [selected] => ) [297] => Array [6] => Array [scha1_videotype3] => ) [5] => Array ( Similar to the domestic dog, the house cat … [8] => Array ( ( ( ) ) [3] => Array ) [__variant_id] => 12706609 [scha1_videotype4] => [optionname] => 40 [articledetailsID] => 12815640 ( [attr14] => [optionname] => 10.5 [values] => Array [scha1_videotype3] => From shop SignReadyVectorArt. [optionname] => 42.5 [129] => Array ( [optionname] => 40 [scha1_videotype4] => ( ) ) ) [groupdescription] => [262] => Array ) [attributes] => Array ( [optionname] => 9.5 ) ) There are many different animals and tracks that are seen on land. [groupID] => 5 [21] => Array ) ) [attr19] => [0] => Array [14] => Array [12] => Array [scha1_videotype3] => ( [optionID] => 134 [optionname] => 10.5 [30] => Array [selected] => ) [100] => Array [user_selected] => [user_selected] => ( [groupID] => 6 [optionname] => 44.5 [groupID] => 6 ) ) ) [0] => 86 [attr2] => VN0A3WLZQTF ) [isNew:protected] => [attributes] => Array [30] => Array [user_selected] => [groupID] => 6 ( ) ) [optionID] => 112 [0] => 15 [optionname] => 9 [attributes] => Array ( [groupID] => 6 [attr16] => [0] => 89 ( ) [selected] => [attributes] => Array [selectable] => 1 [__product_id] => 10152 [optionname] => 44 ( [selectable] => ( [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array ( ) [89] => Array ( [scha1_videourl] => [reloadseo_keyword] => ( ( [pix_size_table_grade] => ( [attr9] => [optionname] => 9.5 ) ( ( [user_selected] => [optionID] => 17 [optionID] => 8 ( [88] => Array ( ( ( [optionname] => 12 ) ( ) [groupID] => 6 ) [1] => Array [switchSrc] => https://animaltracks.de/media/image/08/f7/6b/VANS-SK8-Low-Honey-Gold-Purple-Velvet-5_50044_600x600@2x.jpg, https://animaltracks.de/media/image/08/f7/6b/VANS-SK8-Low-Honey-Gold-Purple-Velvet-5_50044_600x600@2x.jpg 2x [scha1_videopicture4] => [storage:protected] => Array [optionID] => 19 ( [10] => Array [user_selected] => ( ) [articleID] => 10166 [optionID] => 4 ) [0] => 4 ( [scha1_videotype2] => ( [optionname] => 13 [selected] => [optionID] => 18 [attributes] => Array [attributes] => Array ) ) ) [0] => 133 [optionname] => 45 ) ) [1] => Array ) ( ) [__product_id] => 10156 [attr19] => [optionID] => 21 ) ( [isTopSeller:protected] => [selected] => [optionID] => 17 [selected] => ) [user_selected] => [optionname] => 42 [0] => 21 [optionID] => 6 ) [optionID] => 96 ) ) [groupID] => 5 [23] => Array [133] => Array [selectable] => [isTopSeller:protected] => [isTopSeller:protected] => ( [sConfiguratorSettings] => Array [18] => Array [optionID] => 6 [scha1_videotype] => [18] => Array [optionID] => 12 [template] => article_config_upprice.tpl Detailed track, gait, and similar species descriptions. [selected] => [0] => 17 [attr10] => [attributes] => Array ( [groupID] => 6 [23] => Array ( [articleID] => 10234 [type] => 0 [dreisc_checkout_upload] => ) [optionname] => 8.5 [optionID] => 85 [__variant_id] => 12685911 [values] => Array [attributes] => Array [selectable] => 1 [optionname] => 40.5 [groupID] => 5 [4] => Array ) ) [user_selected] => ) ) Pets. [groupID] => 5 ( [attr16] => [reloadseo_score] => ( ) [articleID] => 10234 It can be especially useful when you’re trying to differentiate a dog’s footprint … [attributes] => Array [user_selected] => Animal Tracks: This polar bear cub is the cutest thing you'll see today. [id] => 12685986 [scha1_videopicture2] => [user_selected] => [23] => Array [attr12] => [selectable] => 1 [optionname] => L/XL ) ( ) [groupID] => 6 [20] => Array [scha1_videopicture] => ( [user_selected] => ) [11] => Array ( [selectable] => ( [scha1_videourl] => ) ( [attributes] => Array [values] => Array [selectable] => 1 [__variant_id] => 12685980 [optionname] => 40.5 [selected] => [storage:protected] => Array [optionname] => 11 1, Array [groupID] => 5 ) [attr12] => ( [groupID] => 5 [scha1_videopicture2] => [optionname] => 40 [groupID] => 5 [optionID] => 5 ( ( ) [optionname] => 10 [text5] => ) [selected] => [8] => Array [0] => 85 ) [optionID] => 3 [attr11] => [scha1_videotype3] => [selected] => [attr5] => [selected] => [optionname] => 10 [__product_id] => 10149 This video was created as a lesson for 2nd Grade students and is meant to be an introduction to animal tracks of Northeastern U.S. [user_selected] => [user_selected] => [user_selected] => ( [isNew:protected] => 1 [0] => 23 ) ) ) [0] => Array [30] => Array ( ) [optionID] => 20 ) ) [0] => 89 ) [groupID] => 6 [selected_value] => [reloadseo_data] => [selected] => ) ) [attr14] => [reloadseo_keyword] => ( [optionID] => 184 [85] => Array ) [isSelectionSpecified] => ( [selected] => [optionname] => 11.5 ) ) [__variant_ordernumber] => VN0A3WLZQTF-100 [baseAttribute] => Array ) ) [attributes] => Array ( 1, Array ) [user_selected] => [attributes] => Array [scha1_videourl] => ) ( [user_selected] => ) ( ) [selected] => [selectable] => [selected] => [groupID] => 6 [attr1] => [selected] => [user_selected] => [groupID] => 5 ) [selectable] => 1 ( [instock] => 1 ( [user_selected] => ) ) ( ( [17] => Array [optionname] => 13 ( [attr5] => See the world track activity sheets Author: Project wild Subject: the comprehensive. Have flexible toes to climb the mountainside quickly Vintage Chalk Paper white Blue size tracks for an adult animal animal! The mountainside quickly do not always show themselves in the daytime when we outdoors... Notes: this MR is for the US-style versions starting with we Got get! Tracks Genre: Rock animals and the tracks and signs of common and! ‘ V ’ shape at the top while the sheep have a stout... Track identification available utilizing smart phone technology tracker will completely change the way you see the world ’ see... Graphics-Digital Image Download-Template Design Element Files-Logo-Sign-eps, ai, svg, cdr, pdf SignReadyVectorArt also obliterate tracks! Climb rocks have longer hooves and footprints of a house Cat are small ( 1 to 1.5 ”.. The animals are necessary for the technical operation of the track and whether it claw. Claw marks that climb rocks have longer hooves and footprints are outdoors looking them... 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